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Artist Statement

My current work is centered on the emotional drama of humanity, filtered through the lens of personal and historical events, and spiritual revelation.  There is objective truth, though people commonly avoid deep meaning.  But that content, in addition to how we behave in relation to it, is what can lead us to gaining true wisdom.
I utilize two methods, both aiming to help people find truths for themselves, though in the end they must explore for such on their own.  In one technique, I employ allegorical images that attempt to quickly capture the imagination, and impart more significant meaning as one looks closer.  People may start to remember that things are not always what they seem.  These pieces generally include figures amongst seemingly odd but hopefully exciting patterns, with the intention of inviting an eyewitness to join in.  There are intriguing moments in human experience that challenge our assumptions about the world.  I am inviting the viewer to look closer, and relate some essential truth to their own situations.  In effect, by turning specific events and concepts into general emotional images, I am gently pushing the viewer to unearth something in themselves.
The other path I use to help others to understand deeper truths is providing an abstract image, designed to encourage the viewer to gaze peacefully.  As they stare, they have a chance to process information they have previously gathered.  Again they are discovering something that they may have already known, but ignored or even denied to themselves.  The mental process involved usually develops subconsciously; it is a necessary component to understanding.  People gather incredible amounts of information throughout their days, but their minds are closed to most things that don’t directly relate to their survival.  They need downtime in order to process this vast array of data in an orderly manner.  In these paintings, they may find a space that interests them or a color pattern that attracts their eye, but the main purpose is to lull them into taking pause from their hectic day and reflect.  As they fix their eyes, I am essentially trapping them in the engaging image, allowing their mind to unfold itself.  Substance erupts from subject matter, form, value, and style, but the source is often people’s own hidden memories.
Life’s significance relies on our being aware of our own existence, and allowing our own minds to develop, rather than trapping ourselves in a media-blitz of popular folly.  My work is about helping them escape the shadow show in the cave of ignorance, helping people realize their own potentials.

Questions to ponder:
We all examine and interpret reality differently, but what are the influences that affect our convictions?  
What mechanisms do we use to confirm in our consciousness the truth of reality?  
How differently does each individual relate to the things we hold in common?
When can a mind’s set of ideas be altered, and how is this accomplished?


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